Forest Schools Project

Elmhurst School for Boys are using Littleheath Woods for our ‘Forest
School Project’. Every age-group from Reception to Year 6 go to the Woods once
a week for half a term to explore, play and learn.
As their teacher says “it is
the best kind of classroom!”.
The boys’ natural curiosity is nurtured through encouragement of play and self-initiated ideas, bringing lessons to life in Littleheath Woods.
Activities have included:
The boys’ natural curiosity is nurtured through encouragement of play and self-initiated ideas, bringing lessons to life in Littleheath Woods.
Activities have included:
Investigating minibeasts in the woodpiles all around the woods (or
'minibeast hotels' as the children
call them)
- Playing circle games at Woodhenge in Fallen Oak Field
- Pond dipping, catching tadpoles and learning about lifecycles at Key Hole Pond
- Using their senses to explore mud at ‘The Muddy Place’ off Old Ponds Path : making mud faces
and animals
- Understanding seed dispersal by making huge catapults at Clears Croft
- Exploring the personal and social needs of a community by building a village for our imaginary tribe
(called the 'Hobbins') up at Beech Tree Glade
- Whittling, weaving and creating using hazel
- Playing games and making our own obstacle courses at The Old Quarry
- Learning about maps and compass bearings during orienteering and treasure hunts
- Investigating and identifying trees and the amazing woodpecker’s nest found by the Friends.
….and many more! The list is endless.
Elmhurst School believe it is really important that the children are given real life practical, hands-on, meaningful experiences which they enjoy and can use as a reference point for learning in the classroom.
call them)
- Playing circle games at Woodhenge in Fallen Oak Field
- Pond dipping, catching tadpoles and learning about lifecycles at Key Hole Pond
- Using their senses to explore mud at ‘The Muddy Place’ off Old Ponds Path : making mud faces
and animals
- Understanding seed dispersal by making huge catapults at Clears Croft
- Exploring the personal and social needs of a community by building a village for our imaginary tribe
(called the 'Hobbins') up at Beech Tree Glade
- Whittling, weaving and creating using hazel
- Playing games and making our own obstacle courses at The Old Quarry
- Learning about maps and compass bearings during orienteering and treasure hunts
- Investigating and identifying trees and the amazing woodpecker’s nest found by the Friends.
….and many more! The list is endless.
Elmhurst School believe it is really important that the children are given real life practical, hands-on, meaningful experiences which they enjoy and can use as a reference point for learning in the classroom.

The boys are generating long lasting, memorable experiences in a
stress-free environment that they will carry through with them for the rest of
their lives.
Elmhurst loves Forest School at Littleheath Woods and with the support the Friends of Littleheath Woods and Croydon Council they hope to continue learning and celebrating in Nature’s Playground
Elmhurst loves Forest School at Littleheath Woods and with the support the Friends of Littleheath Woods and Croydon Council they hope to continue learning and celebrating in Nature’s Playground